Sunday, November 14, 2010


Hey guys, I looked into the areas where the majority of these workers live and there are some really cool historical/cultural sites that provide a lot of visual reference and context. I am actually a bit overwhelmed with all of this (and not much of it ties directly to "ROCK" or granite, but man there is some cool stuff). So have a look at these quickly and tell me if you think there are some ideas worth exploring. I personally am amazed by the wheel at the Konark Sun Temple in Orissa (the intricate detail!!!). A dharma wheel icon/logo could be awesome (but not too much like the Dharma wheel below)

These chakra icons were cool too - not very well executed, but interesting. They tie into the wheel concept above and are all about the life force....
Here's one:

I like these links based on the theme "enlightenment"
and note the Bodhi tree (where enlightenment was obtained) has a leaf shaped like a heart. Enlightenment + charity = leaf heart. Whooooaa.

The Indian Ministry of Human Resource Development logo is interesting with lots of cool symbols (lions, lotus flower)

Anyway, I am hoping to get some insight from you guys because I might be way off with all of this, but my feeling is that there is some cool stuff to work with...what do you think?
I have even been thinking of some different names that could tie into some of these - like something about enlightenment, for example. too cliche?


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